Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How do you save money for your Emergency Fund?

Saving money for an emergency fund is hard to do especially when you're not used to having a savings. We live paycheck to paycheck and saving our $1,000.00 for our Baby Emergency Fund as suggested by Dave Ramsey was a struggle for us but it is a necessity!

In the previous post I talked about Murphy hitting us. It's funny how when you start to try to take control of your money, little things happen that cost you big time and then before you know it your budget is more like a fudget. Thank God for our emergency fund which pulled us through and it was so hard to let that money go on emergencies that we even looked for the cheapest ways possible to make it through, whereas prior to Dave Ramsey we would have just bought and bought not even thinking of the consequences.

Now you're wondering, how can I possibly get $1,000.00 saved up to go to my BEF (baby emergency fund) when I can't even pay my bills each month, hence why I'm here and trying to dig my out of debt! Here's a few tips for ya and some insight on how we did it... and believe me if we can do it ANYONE can do it!!

SELL SELL SELL!! Go through your whole house, your clothes, your kitchen, your office even your bathroom!

List things to sell on for your area, posting pictures is always a good idea as people like to see what they are getting.

List on E-Bay. Set up an ebay account if you don't already have one and start listing items for sale. Be sure you take into consideration for shipping, either have it weighed before the listing so the customer can figure out exactly what will cost or just set a standard flat rate, but be sure not to cut yourself short. (Hint: Most people on ebay are used to paying a little more shipping if the price is lower on the actual item.)

Do a search in the Yahoo groups for buy, sell and trade boards in your area. We have a local one which I have sold LOTS of items on. Just join the group then list your items for sale with your contact information. The groups usually let you post pictures in the photo album of the group itself so that people can look at it.

Other ways to get your BEF:

If you can write a simple article on anything that interest you check out Associated Content:
Check it out here and sign up under me if you're interested: My username for referral is cmbb2003.

It's a great place to earn some extra cash and write on things that interest you plus meet lots of new people!

Set up your own blog then ad some advertising spots on it through places like google adsense. Earn a little extra money that way as well.

Deliver pizzas. Delivering pizzas is a good way to earn some fast cash.

Take on a part time job or two. I am currently working part time as self employed hair stylist, help my mom clean houses 1 day a week AND am starting to work in an office next week! Doing what it takes to get out debt.

Your main focus when you start to take control of your money is to get GAZELLE INTENSE!!!

Good luck on your journey!

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