Monday, July 9, 2007

So how many times will Murphy hit us?

So we started the Total Money Makeover journey in November of 2006. We had our Baby emergency fund in place and then was ready to go, intense as ever! So then Chris' truck decided to break down and we used some of the BEF to pay for repairs, got it running at least for another few months then all of a sudden it broke down again, only this time it was worse. Was going to cost too much to fix and wasn't really worth it as it was a 1986 Ford. Repairs would cost more than what it was worth. So we decided to sell it for junk, use that money along with the money from another old junk vehicle we had sitting here to buy another and start anew. We had to! So a good friend that Chris works with had a good car and we bought it. Runs good and all so our BEF is tapped out, and we were really sinking fast.

On top of all of this we had to pay our mortgage payment to avoid foreclosure. We had to have this money by the June 20th and on the 15th I knew we wouldn't have it so I called them and canceled that arrangement, had a confirmation number and all of it being canceled. Then on the 22nd I was $1200.00 overdrawn! I got he printout from the bank and yep the mortgage company had taken their money out anyway. So I called them next, they of course couldn't do anything about it so I had no choice, put a stop payment on it costs me $20.00 but better than being overdrawn $1200.00!
So the mortgage company ended up letting me set up a new payment plan that was due by the 30th, which I would have had but then we had Murphy hit YET AGAIN! My kids needed money to go to church camp and my child support stopped coming in AGAIN! So we didn't have all we needed but we were close.
Along came a great person sent from God who helped us out to get past that mark!! I am so thankful!!
Then everything was done, we were on our way, we went to Chicago to Chris' parents for July 4th and when we returned on Thursday, I heard this awful squealing sound when I walked in the house. I went to our bedroom and looked in our bathroom where the noise was coming from. One of our faucets in there had busted and water was going EVERYWHERE! Now this bathroom had carpet in it, which I didn't like anyway, but it was soaked!!! So we ripped the carpet up and then decided before we put new flooring down we would paint and put up new border. Ended up not spending too much on that but I really wouldn't of done that yet had the water not ruined the whole room.
So we're about done remodeling that room now, but I hate to see my water bill from the faucet leaking!
So after all of this I'm wondering how many times will Murphy hit us before we can finally become debt free? We're working hard and staying strong and praying alot so hopefully Murphy will pack his bags and leave our house for good SOON!

1 comment:

My Gen Research said...

yeah we need to find Murphy a new home NOW! Hopefully he is DONE messing with you guys!