Sunday, July 22, 2007

Trying new ventures..

So I've heard of people talking about using online resources to make extra money.
I joined the bandwagon and am testing it all out. I joined CASH CRATE and have already gotten over $10.00 in the confirmed offers. I have somewhere around $7.00 in unconfirmed as well. Haven't requested payout yet but will soon and will keep you updated.

I have also joined CAFE PRESS where I have a store called DEBT PEOPLE and sell apparel and other items with imprinted designs. Check it out!

I also have my own web site specializing in home made Bath, Body and Home products. I don't make these personally though, I am a representative for a company that is AWESOME! Check it out here: Delightful Treasures & Gifts I've actually had this store for almost 2 years but am trying to revamp it and get it marketed more to make more sales. Oh and check out my links page there for other companies I sell for as well.

With my donations recieved this month (from adding my donations link on here) and all these other sources I'm hoping to really up my income. I don't EXPECT a donation though so please understand that, just having you ready my blogs is good enough for me BUT I do have to say that this month is going to be a good end of the month posting about our progress from donations already received.. THANK YOU * You know who you are :)*


Anonymous said...

here's a thought for you. You and "C" can start picking up pop/beer cans and recycle them. Aluminum is going for about $1 a pound. It should only take 16 cans to make a pound. I return all my cans for .05 refund and ones I can't I smash and recycle for $1 a pound. Did close to $1,000 combined this last year. It's not much but it's more than what you had.

cmbb2003 said...

Hey as much pop as I drink that could work. I remember my kids saved pop cans one time and we took them up to the recycle place and they got around $14.00 for all the cans they had. Great Idea!!